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Many firms that place newspaper advertisements for staff are unaware of the benefits of a professional recruitment firm like aDept. We are able to offer our clients access to many qualified candidates who are gainfully employed and are not necessarily looking for opportunities or responding to advertisements. These potential applicants will rarely admit that they might consider a move for fear they might jeopardize their current job. However, when professionally and discretely approached by a trained aDept recruiter, our candidates tend to respond positively to new opportunities.
Do not waste your time meeting unsuitable candidates!

Based on the information provided to us, we will screen potential candidates and select only the most qualified personnel for your organization.

Our philosophy is

We take the time to understand what makes an organization unique, then tailor our screening and recruiting process to suit our client’s individual requirements.
We present candidates that are more than capable of fulfilling the technical qualifications required to handle a given position. Their goals must be compatible with our client’s corporate philosophies in order to ensure a proper “fit” and long-term association. We cultivate working relationships with our clients in order to help them manage their growth and change most effectively